My Practice
I believe in an integrative approach to psychotherapy; that is, I believe many factors influence our feelings, emotions, and moods, including relationships, nutrition, environment, physical health, and psychological health. Each of these factors needs to be assessed in order to determine what sort of help would be most useful.
As a psychoanalyst, I believe that our past experiences influence our present lives, and that understanding how these early influences impact us is at the core of psychotherapy. Moreover, I believe that each person is unique and that each person has special strengths. Psychotherapy promotes awareness and deepens your understanding of yourself, in the context of both your strengths and struggles. This self-awareness can be useful in changing patterns that are self-destructive or that no longer serve us. Similarly, it is useful in embracing our strengths.
Who I Work With
I provide services to people struggling with an array of concerns, including:
Work-life balance
School-life balance
Life transitions
Relationship difficulties
Mind/Body connection
For some, I provide very short-term support, and for others, I find that long-term psychotherapy, including intensive psychotherapy, or psychoanalysis, may be most useful.